Monday, October 18, 2010

This made me go 'huh?'

Message from random guy: The fact that you have risen from the earth,within your eyes I see so much.I find it beautiful that you are real,you are compasisonate.For you have felt the cruel hand's of hurt and pain.You've endured alot over the years and even as there was darkness all around you,you saw the light within yourself,and you risen from the ashes of pain.You have grown strong and you embrace this world.You felt sorrow and pain and yet you denied it,and did not let it alter and change you to be spiteful and hateful,but loving and sweet.You are truely strong you are wonderful most of all.For as time faded you've been hurt,used,broken,torn,and frayed and even as your heart is scarred and wounded you love so easily.Used,played,abuse,cheatedon,hurt,and disguarded like trash you've been dealt harsh hands.You often keep yourself busy now with work and friends,you try no to think of that cold void inside,and at the end of the day when you are tired and restless that emotion seeps back to you reminding you are alone.So many nights have you called into the winds longing,pleaing for change,to find one who accepts you and understands you.So many nights have you been cold and longed for passion and care.You attempt to give up that longing,you've tried to ignore it but your heart beats for it,longs,for it,and thus you are barely alive,For you are the compassionate,you are the loving,you are beautiful.

My response: I'm not quite sure how to respond to that...

Him: l hope you vision to feel the mist and grace from the wind as when your smile so falls on to others it's within the light of the heart that draws the Sun to rise,and it's because of the love you hold within that gives flight to the Sun to go and calm the earth.My words may different and even not heard but let me say this with all that inspires me and all that l see l want to truly wish you a beautiful Day.Because upon looking at your profile hidden from view are the words of heart and spirit and that's exactly what inspired me to speak as within your very eyes,those very eyes did l see the fire of a heart not broken nor torn from believing and dreaming,it is within your eyes l see the beauty of truth as l was deeply inspired to see another person who fights to withhold emotion and feeling and your spirit that guides and gives you wings.It's beautiful,truly with that l want to say l respect you and greatly appreciate you being here and living in the moment,may the sunshine shine on you and always remind you of that grace and beauty you hold in your heart, mind, and spirit.Let no one ever tell you otherwise because you are forevermore special person.

Me: Um, okay then...

Him: :)

Yup, I attract the weirdos.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Heads up!

Just a heads up, I'll be moving my blog to wordpress soon. It's just easier to maintain via phone. And since I rarely use a computer anymore, thanks to my Palm Pre, it just makes more sense.  I'll link once first post is up.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Breaking News!

This just in! I'm lousy at keeping this damn thing updated... But do not fear my darling buttercups, I shall be working on some good stuff now. Okay, so im not, but lets pretend. There has been a new additon to my furbabies, a black lab mix we adopted from the humane society. His name is Cadeon & he's a little brat. So in other words, he fits right in.

Since I'm running out of witty things to say, I'm going to post this & call it wonderful. Those of you that know how to get ahold of me should make sure I update this more often.

Aaaaand, we're out.

Damn that was an ugly crowd tonight. Did u see the hairpiece on the guy in the back? Wait, is this thing still on? Fuck...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How to Catch an Irishman

How to catch an Irishman

Leprechauns, or Irish "Elves" are known to be 3 feet to 3 inches in size. (no taller than a small child at the most) Individuals have said that they look like tiny old men in a top hats and red beards. Legend says that Leprechauns are shoemakers (also called cobblers). Legend also says that Leprechauns have their own pot 'o gold, either buried where only the Leprechaun can reach it, or at the end of the rainbow.
Finding the end of the rainbow will be a challenge, but well worth it, and give you a head start on finding your Irishman’s Leprechaun.
Finding the end of the rainbow is pretty self explanatory, so we are going to talk about finding and catching the Leprechaun.

The reasoning behind having to catch the Irishman's leprechaun first, is that:  every Irishman has his own leprechaun that he sets free to roam, hoping for it to find him a true love. (Once their leprechaun is caught, somehow the Irishman's senses are thrown out of whack and drive them straight to you and the leprechaun's location) The trickier the leprechaun is to catch, the trickier it is to win the Irishman's heart. 

Step One: Catch his Leipreachán.

1.) To start, you could either use a small shoe box, Kleenex box, or even a dog kennel. Make sure to use plenty of green. (green glitter, stickers, etc.)

2) Due to some Leprechauns being very selfish, you may consider adding in plenty of gold items. You could either use golden candy coins, or paint some of your own coins gold. A rainbow around your trap would definitely improve your chances.
***If you are going to make more than one trap, I suggest making each one completely different, or the Leprechaun will get suspicious and leave. Also, make sure all traps blend well with the background they are set in. (some Leprechauns enjoy practical jokes, so don't be discouraged if he gives you a hard time.)***

3) Some other items to lure the Leprechaun in: smaller rocks painted gold, lucky charms cereal ( a big hit), maybe some old shoes?
(((*** Do NOT leave your eye off of the leprechaun for too long, unless you have him on a tight leash--or hold his hand and walk with him... HE -WILL- DISAPPEAR!***)))

Step Two: "I got the Leprechaun!...NOW what do I do??!"

1) After you've caught the Leprechaun, you have a higher chance of him staying around if you tell him right away that you are not after his pot 'o gold. Try to talk to him. Get him to like you.
**The more you can get the leprechaun to like you, the better your chances of the Irishman liking you. In other words -- Each leprechaun has their own attitude, which reflects their Irishman's attitude. The better you treat the leprechaun, the more it will like you, and in result, the better your chances are with the Irishman himself.)**

((!!!!! I caught the leprechaun, tried to talk to it, but I can't understand a word it's saying!!?)) 
 --Hey! Baahaa, well, I suppose that part wasn't very self-explanatory, sometimes the leprechauns get confused and or upset after it's been caught, so try and calm it down. *leprechauns tend to talk at fast speeds, especially when frightened*
-Pour him a bowl of Lucky Charms
-Hand him some more golden coins (always good to keep extras on hand)
-Four-leaf clover=anxiety reliever
-For a big hit: show him the downtown pub!
-Need more help?... Learn some simple Gaeilge! (Irish language)--See end of blog--

 Step Three: "I've calmed the leprechaun, how do I tell what will the Irishman will look like??" 

To find out what your Irishman will look like, look at the Leprechaun (he will look very similar in certain ways)

Don't be afraid, check that Leprechaun out as if he were your own Irishman. Here's a checklist to help you out:

-What color are his eyes? 
-What shape is his nose? 
-Any piercings/tattoos? 
-Exactly how tall is he? 
(The shorter the leprechaun, the taller the Irishman. Yes, you read that right. Short leprechaun = tall Irishman.)
-How round is he?
-How tempermental is he?

Last, and probably the most important question you need to answer.... 
How long is his beard?
"What does the size of his beard have to do with anything? What exactly does it mean?" 
Ladies, I think we all know what the size of his beard means...

IMPORTANT--After catching the leprechaun, you only have about 30 minutes (one half hour) until the Irishman will run around the corner! So make sure that's the leprechaun you want, if not, let him go!

Step 3.1: "My leprechaun likes me, and I think he's kinda cute...what should I do now?"

No need to do anything! You're Irishman is on his way!! Look in the mirror a couple times, fix your hair, check your teeth (and breath, don't forget your breath) and just wait anxiously for your Irish love to show!

Step 3.2: "My leprechaun seems to hate me!! What do I do???!!"

Let him go!! I don't know if I can emphasize that enough!! The last thing you need is an angry Irishman after you!! Just let him go and start a new search tomorrow!

Step 4 (Final Step): Know how to say the important things.

"Will you marry me?" --- An bpósfaidh tú mé
                                       "uh bow-suh tu me" (For an English speaker, with little or no knowledge of Irish pronunciation, I'd offer : "an bossy two may")

"Yes!!" --- tá!! (pronounced "thaw!!")

In Irish Gaeilge.

Cheers, luck, health and wealth to you all!
Jàece CaèrtLïnn McMïller

(Original post written by my sister Jaci. I edited and added some bits here and there. If you enjoyed this and would like to read more, please leave comments and let us know.)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Z-Day Productions

We're a fresh, young company looking to make a name for ourselves. We won't be functioning like a typical production house. Our skills and unique outlook on the world will show that. While, typically, production houses have large crews, we will limit ourselves to the smallest size possible. This does multiple things.
First, this limits our costs. We won't be spending extra funds on crew/positions that another person could easily cover. I, for example, will man cameras, edit, direct and if needed be a simple "gofer".
Two, this builds a better bond. Creates a more family operated feel with the crew we do have, as well as our clients. They won't have to remember dozens of new people whether it's for a day or months. On long projects they'll be comfortable with the small crew around them.
We will produce films, shorts and even music videos. We will reach out to local musicians and artists. Help them establish their name, while establishing ours. At the time of this writing, many local artists have to film their own videos and we are looking to change that.
Whatever the needs of our clients, we will try and meet them. Certain things, however, we won't be able to do at first. That's only because of limited funds. As we grow, so will our technology and skills.

This blog was written by Jason Miller, President of Z-Day Productions. I'm posting it to help him get the word out. If you've got any questions, feel free to contact him at or leave a comment and I'll forward it to him.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Epic suckfest x10

If you've seen the movie BloodRayne, you know what an epic suckfest it was. And no, suckfest is no reference to the fact it's about vampires, it literally sucked that bad.

Because I'm a glutton for punishment when it comes to vampire/werewolf b-movies, I thought I'd give the second film, BloodRayne 2: Deliverance, a shot. I figured it couldn't be much worse than the first one.

Oh how wrong I was. It makes the first one seem great! The damn movie takes forever to get started and even then it feels like it's going nowhere. Forty minutes in and I'm wanting to quit. But since I'm a trooper, I'll finish this piece of crap. I swear every fifth shot is a closeup of someone's teeth or eyes as they squint dramatically...or eat a cracker apparently.

Did I mention I'm blogging this as I finish the movie? I cannot focus all my attention on this film for fear I'll go OD on some pain meds. Yes, it's that bad. Oh and did I mention how bad it was?

I don't care how much you like b-movies, nor how curious you are about whether or not I'm over-exaggerating how bad this is. DON'T WATCH IT!!! Please, for the sake of your sanity, do not watch this film. Save yourself the 100 minutes and go get a lobotomy instead. Really, it would probably be more fun.

Oh thank gods there's only 10 minutes left. I cannot take much more of this.

I can only imagine how disappointed fans of the videogame are in these films. I've never played any of the BloodRayne games (for PS2 and I believe PC as well), so I'm guessing those that have probably committed a murder-suicide after seeing them.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

BF App Retaliation

Since someone seemed to think my BF App was a bit "high school" I figured I should blog about why I posted it.

It was for fun!

I'm not going to literally take applications to find a boyfriend. Yeah, there were a few I wanted to fill it out. Personally I think its a fun way to get to know someone and see how much they knew about me by how they answer the questions.

If you can't see the humor in it, then don't fill it out. Its that easy.
